How To Increase Battery Backup Of Your Smartphones || 10 Amazing Tips To Reduce Battery Drainage In 2019


Why is my phone battery draining so fast? Here's how to fix it:

The smartphone has become an important part of our life. You will also be a smartphone user, so when you use smartphones, many problems related to the smartphone are revealed. One of those problems is related to the battery. Many smartphone users have this problem that the batteries of their smartphone are very soon drained / discharge. Today, I will tell about what is the reason for the drain/discharge of the smartphone's battery, and also know that you have a Smartphone The key is to back up the battery.

We can extend the battery backup of smartphones to a lesser extent. Today, I will tell you 10 reasons for the reason that the battery gets discharged very soon and we can easily remove the battery backup of the smartphone by removing these mistakes.

1. Brightness:

Many smartphone users use the brightness of their smartphone much more so that the battery of the smartphone starts discharging soon. Always use manual mode to control the brightness, the problem in automatic mode is that whenever your smartphone's censor burns lightly, the brightness increases too much, if it happens so many times, the battery will be expired. It seems. So use it as much as possible in manual mode and keep the brightness level as low as possible.

2. Background Apps:

We use many apps simultaneously on our smartphone. There are so many apps in the background which are not used for a long time, we should close such apps that these apps keep in the background so that the battery consumes more.

3. Signal Strength:

Many times we are at a place where signal strength is very rare. Due to lack of signal strength, more load on the battery leads to not being a QQ network, the smartphone is searching network and loads on the battery. That's why we should turn our smartphone into aeroplane mode at such a place.

4. Close data connection:

Smartphones are a box without internet, but many times we are in a situation when we do not need the internet. At such times we should discontinue our smartphone's data connection. Data connection On the use of so many apps uses data so that the battery starts to discharge quickly. Only when we need to do the data connection on should be done.

5. Screen light timeout:

All Smartphones have the option of screen light timeout. With this help, we can decide how long the screen lights of our smartphones will be on. The time of screen light timeout should be minimized.

6. Wallpaper:

We should not use the Live Wallpaper on our smartphone. QQ Live Wallpaper uses more battery, and we should use black colored wallpapers as much as possible because black color wallpaper is less battery usage than the bright color wallpaper.

7. Auto Sync:

We should keep auto sync off in our smartphone. There are so many apps in the smartphone that auto refresh after some time to download data in the background. The battery usage is high with auto sync

8. Sound & vibrate:

When we use our smartphone, there are many such sounds and vibration that we do not have any need. Like vibrations of keyboard, notification vibration. Many such apps also have this feature. We should stop unused sound vibration.

9. Update operating system:

We should keep updating our smartphone because the old version OS has many bugs. The OS of the latest version gives a better performance than the previous one, and it also has less load on the battery.

10. Power saving mode:

Power saving mode is provided on all smartphones. In Power Saving mode, many extra features, the sound is turned off. Power Saving mode should be used to increase battery backup.

I hope you have liked the post. If you liked this post, share it with your friends so that they can increase their smartphone's battery backup.

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