How To Control Your Android Phone From Your PC Using Scrcpy (2018 Tricks)


Is it really necessary to control your Android smartphone from your PC? for me it's a “NO” but in some circumstances is a pretty good idea that means “YES”. Maybe you have a broken Android screen and you know that it'll be too difficult to control right from your Android screen and thus, that's where controlling your Android phone from your computer becomes useful. Some people don't really need that but for the fun in it they'll just decide to do it.

However, this feature is really a must try feature if you're a PC owner. You'll be granted the permission to access everything on your Android smartphone, including unlocking your phone's password "if it's in security lock". Anyways, I won't like to waste much time in this, it's much better to see for yourself when you try it than to keep reading. So I bring to you, how to control your Android phone from PC using scrcpy but before then, let's take a look on what to download to make this step successful.

Download SCRCPY latest zip file from Github and extract it.
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How To Control Your Android Phone From Your PC Using Scrcpy:

Before proceeding with the below steps, we need to look into somethings. However, it's all about SCRCPY and that's the steps we are going to follow to be able to control our Android phone with our PC.

SCRCPY is a lightweight device streaming program that runs on Linux, Mac and Windows — its main goal is to grant you the access to control your Android phone from your PC with as little lag as possible, and with as much quality as possible.

SCRCPY works by executing a server the device, it then communicates with the server via socket over an ADB tunnel. Your screen is streamed as an h.264 video which is then decoded and displayed by SCRCPY. Using this method, you can get really fast screen mirroring on your PC, as well as the ability to control your Android phone from your PC.

Please Note: Your device must be connected to your computer using a working USB cable.

However, this procedure involves installing and setting up your ADB before any other steps, so if you haven't done that yet, learn how to install ADB on your Windows or Mac by clicking here. Haven done that, let's proceed to the next step.

Now, open up a command window and type in scrcpy.exe in it and boom! your Android screen will appear on your PC. Alternatively, you can just double-click on the scrcpy from the folder you extracted via the download section and it'll open up. All done and you're ready to kick-off.
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How To: Control Your Android Phone From Your PC Using Scrcpy:

Smartphones are an essential part of modern life. To some people, the phone is even more important than a standard computer. A lot of people sit at computers all day, but they still have to check their phone for certain things.

However, SCRCPY is here to make it more easier and thus, its one of the fastest mobile controlling software on PC, this feature of controlling your Android device with your PC is only in handy when you have a screen problem "broken screen or touch pad problem" on your Android smartphone.

This is a good feature to try but when it comes to gaming, medias and some other things, it doesn't look good and it's laggy. For games, it'll only display Android screen size "so don't expect it to full the PC screen" and for medias, you'll only hear the sound from the phone instead to hear it from the PC.

Anyways, this can't be a good reason not to try out this feature for it is fast as much as you can imagine and more benefiting features embedded in it.

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